My mom and I wanted to start this blog to share ideas about teaching Spanish. My husband and I (both gringos!) speak Spanish fluently because we lived in Honduras and Guatemala. We have three daughters, ages 5, 3, and 16 months. We are raising our children bilingually by speaking only in Spanish three days of the week. I studied Elementary Education for my Bachelor's with a Spanish minor. Teaching and learning Spanish is my passion. I am currently homeschooling my oldest bilingually.
Spanish teaching has been a big part of my life. I have lived in many parts of Latin America: Honduras, Guatemala, Panama, Mexico and Colombia. I have taught my children when they were little and am now teaching my granchildren. I have five adult children that I homeschooled. I have 22 grandchildren. I love to teach Spanish so I teach groups of homeschooled children. I love using music and activities to help my students start speaking the language.
As we have taught my daughter Spanish, she surprises me by combining Spanish and English sometimes. When my daughter was three years old, she turned to her one year-old sister and said, "Wanna jugar with migo?"
We are excited to be starting this blog. We each will share some of our ideas, suggestions and lessons learned when we have the time to do so. We hope you will share your ideas and suggestions as well as links and giveaways!
Writing Classes on Skype
12 years ago
You really have a great blog! I am also a gringa lol but my husband is Cuban-America. My son is 18 month and we are raising him bilingual as well. I only know a little Spanish but I am learning along with my son!
I love the name of your blog! I was wondering how you came u with the name!
What a great site! I will be returning. Do you mind if I add a link from my blog to some of your blog entries? I would like to incorporate some of your ideas into a few of my lesson plans. My blog is www.saturdayspanish.blogspot.com
Hi Tati and Ginny! How amazing to have a blog together. So sweet! Tati, you left a comment over my blog not so long ago. Thanks. You made me laugh about the "gringo" thing.
Hugs from PR
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