Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Since I just moved to a new area, I wanted to meet some other moms that are teaching their children Spanish. I searched and found a wonderful group! You can search groups and then show up to see if it is the right fit for you. The group I found is very friendly and nice. One of the rules of the group is to speak only in Spanish (no matter the level). Most of the moms are native speakers (there are only a few gringas :) It is so fun to let the kids play with other children that speak Spanish! Another Great way to find groups is to google your area or look at the SpanglishBaby forums. Try it out in your area- there might just be a perfect group waiting for you!


  1. What a great idea. Thank you! I'm going to see if I can find a Spanish playgroup for my kids.

  2. really great idea! I am going to give that a go too! :)
    what should I google to try to find? thanks!
