Thursday, August 20, 2009

La Señal Secreta

It's working.

I was getting so tired of saying, "¿Puedes decirlo en español?" "¿Como dices eso en español"
"¡¡Tienes que hablar en español!!!"

Now all I have to do is give her our señal secreta- the secret hand sign. It's simple and easy and I don't have to say a thing. Three fingers makes an E shape. ¡E es para Español! We don't say anything.

She switches instantly into Spanish. She thinks it's funny and silly.

I even have her little sister reminding her with the sign and she tells her "Hoy es martes. You have to peak panish"

I love it and I'm hoping it keeps working for a long time.

Try it, it may work for you! Or what does work for you?


  1. ¡Buen idea! I gotta try that one :)

  2. Hi Tati!! I think it is a great idea!! I'll try it when my now only-Spanish speaking daughter enters pre-school and starts speaking only English to me!! One little thing though... the proper title would be: La señal secreta, señal is "feminine" in Spanish ;)

  3. Thank you thank you! I still make mistakes, but correcting is the only way I will learn. Thanks!

  4. Maravillosa la señal, me gusta. :) Todavía mi Zoe no dice nada pero algún día será útil estoy segura.

  5. I feel like I am you! There is so much on your website that is EXACTLY my life written in front of everyone's eyes to see. The trial of my life right now is trying to find my child spanish speaking friends and so what am I doing? I am leading spanish immersion playgroups in the hopes that I can lure some native speakers in at some point though currently only americanos attend (my blog goes into some detail). Plus, I thought I invented the "E" sign too! But this is coming from someone whose mom, from California, thinks she invented quesadillas, so take that with a grain of salt. Also, so much of your faith is intertwined with your life and I love love love it! We should be friends! This is really cool to have found your blog. Oh and by the way, my sister's name is Tati. ;)
