Thursday, November 19, 2009

Recommended Toy!

Leap Frog is coming out with the leapster and all sorts of other games. I am still buying My First Leap Pad and its books. Why? My kids love playing with it. It's simple, easy to follow, shaped like a book and they have a lot of book completely in Spanish. I bought about 4 books for My First Leap Pad in Spanish for my daughter. It is great to following instructions, learning vocabulary and comprehension. Although I still have to limit the amount she plays with it, I feel like it is better than watching a movie or even a computer game because she is actively involved, reading, playing a game, etc. My kids don't get bored of this and it's a great supplement to speaking Spanish to them.
This Christmas, my oldest is getting a Leap Pad with 2 Spanish books. Don't tell :) I bought my daughter's new Leap Pad for $10 on craigslist (had 3 books in English included) and then bought 2 Spanish books for $15 total.
Here are links to some books on amazon in Spanish. Make sure to check out the Leap Frog website as well and search for Spanish. They seem to be phasing out of these products, so many of them are cheap, so hurry!
This is part of the Toys My Kids Actually Plays With McLinkey. You can find Adriana's posts here.


  1. Thank you so much for linking up! Looks like a great resource! If I don't "talk" to you before, Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. I love Craigslist! We get things that might as well be "New". I can't pass up a good deal. :)
