We went to a story time with the most incredible immersion teacher I have met, Super Maria. She reads her stories so dramatically. I have tried to read my stories more expressively, because it just makes it so much more fun. She read this book and when the words are big, she says them loudly and like a super hero would. Now my girls are hooked and love this book!
Superconejo is about a little rabbit that thinks he is a superhero that must fight all the bad guys. When he gets a splinter while playing, he comes crying to his mother. After he is brave while getting the splinter out, he goes back to being SuperConejo with the splinter as his super sword.
SuperConejo By:Stephanie Blake

I actually have a funny story that goes along with this book. In the book, Super Conejo gets a splinter (una astilla), but he pretends that it is a trozo de espada (piece of a sword) in his finger. The other day at the park, Princesa found a friend and heard her mother speaking Spanish to her. Princesa went up to the girl and started speaking only in Spanish. I was on the other side of the playground and she came up to me and said, "Mami, tengo una amiga y habla español!" The rest of the time they played together only speaking in Spanish. (A very proud Mommy moment :)) Anyways, as they were climbing on the playground, Princesa got a splinter and she yelled out, "Tengo un trozo de epada en mi dedo!" I had to let her know it was only an astilla.
Another favorite of my girls is Pocoyo. Here is a cute episode with him pretending to be a Super Pocoyo.
*We will be moving in the next month, I will be stopping my Juego del Jueves for a while. I will still try to post ideas, songs and other activities as much as I can!
I love the splinter story! And I really love the proud Mommy moment. You deserve a few of those!! SuperConejo looks like a very cute book. Good luck with your move!