I love cuentos interactives because they are more than just a movie. They read aloud stories and usually have some type of involvement. For example, they ask the children questions that they have to answer by clicking the right object.
http://www.cuentosinteractivos.org/ -
This site is made in connection with the University of Barcelona. Wow! What a resource! They have two sets of interactive stories: Ivan y Navi is geared towards 3-6 year-olds and El Mundo Al Reves is geared toward 6-8 year-olds. The stories are very unique and fun. I read a few that I loved. Un Circo en la Cama from Ivan y Navi stories is about a brother who is sick, so his brother creates a circus in his bedroom. Caperucita sin capucha is an adorable twist on Little Red Riding Hood from the El Mundo Al Reves collection. Some of the stories were different than the typical American children's stories, nothing inappropriate, just different. Also sometimes it is hard to know what they want you to click on next, but this is an incredible resource I am so excited about!

Another resource that has a simple story about a bear looking for an animal that glows in the dark. The voices are a little hard to understand sometimes because they are little children and also the sound quality was a little hard to understand on my speakers. Another fun activity for my kids!

I'm sure you have also seen these other great interactive story sites:
http://www.storyplace.org/sp/storyplace.asp- I especially love the Biblioteca pre-escolar
http://teacher.scholastic.com/clifford1/- My kids love "Clifford" (said with a Spanish accent). The stories will need an adult's help if your children don't know how to read.
Do you know of any other interactive storybooks you can share with me?
1 comment:
I love www.miscositas.com. There are a lot of stories on there, videos and resources.
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