We don't have very many Halloween decorations. I saw this cute paper banner for Halloween from toymaker. It was a fun activity to do with your kids and an easy activity to do in Spanish. I highly recommend the exacto knife for all the inside parts and then letting the kids cut the outside and scallops along the bottom. Enjoy!
Here are direct links from toymaker to PDF's of each template:
Cute! I especially love the owl! (:
Hi Tati! Thanks for your halloween ideas. Now with the christmas season here I wonder if you know where to find christmas short stories and poems in spanish? I grew up reading during the advent of christmas a new story each day leading up to christmas and would love to do this in spanish. If not. do you have any other suggestions for meaningful christmas traditions in spanish I can try with my family? Thank you!
Hola!! I used the skull for my Day of the Dead unit. The kids LOVED it!! They are asking to do similar crafts for Christmas. Do you have any patterns??? I've been looking on the Internet for an hour and haven't found a simple template. Gracias!!!
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