All the children I teach love to sing this Greeting Song. We change the words according to who is singing the song. This is how I sing it with my grandchildren. I sing the bold words and they answer with the next line. The "adios" is sang together. This is how I often begin my class. I am including a recording of some of the little girls I teach singing it with me. Notice I change the nietos to alumnas since they are all girls and they call me maestra.
Hola, Nietos.
Hola, nietos, ¿qué tal?
Muy bien, abuela, gracias.
Tengo que irme.
Hasta luego.
Hasta la vista.
Adios Adios
Hola, abuela, ¿qué tal?
Muy bien, nietos, gracias.
Tengo que irme.
Hasta luego.
Hasta la vista.
Adios Adios
Writing Classes on Skype
12 years ago
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